Heavenly Angel Babies

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Patrick has 60 chickens, he has 32 meat birds and 9 heavy layers. (Of the 9 that are heavy layers, we are unsure of which are hens and which are roosters, they are not old enough yet to be able to tell which are which. - They are about 10 weeks old.) Plus Patrick also has Rhode Island Reds, Buff Orpington, Plymouth Rocks, Black Cochins, and several other breeds, that I can't explain or don't know the name of.

Baby Chickens
I don't currently have any pictures of Patrick's chickens as of yet, but as soon as I get some I will post them on here, but however aren't these little peeps as cute as the dickens.


Cochum & Broken Crow
Cochum is a male, he and another male chicken (Broken Crow), that are out in the coop with Rodney, often squat and fluff out there neck feathers and run around in circle's like they are going to fight. They are our family line backers, even thought Broken Crow is a small chicken. He maybe only weighs about 1 to 1 1/2 lbs. and cochum weighs more than he does, but they are still fun to watch.
P.S. - one more note, Broken Crow got his name, because he doesn't crow like the other chickens do, he crows a little bit then it breaks off and then he tries to crow a little more.
