Heavenly Angel Babies

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6/16/2007 - Gracie gave birth after being breed with snowball a Florida White, (There was one big problem - We didn't know that she was pregnant - we thought that the Florida White was a doe also.

6/16/2007 - Gracie had 4 kits. 2 died that day, and 2 survived, one we named cocoa and the other we named copper. (The 2 we named were the ones that survived.)
6/18/2007 - Copper died. Apparently he got out of Gracie's cage and we found him on the ground about 5 feet from Gracies cage, he was already in Heaven with Bruiser.
6/23/2006 - Cocoa is doing well. He is getting very big and heavy already in a week's time. He is trying to hop and everything, he is so comical in the way that he acts, as soon as I can get some pictures developed, I will post them on here.
6/26/2007 - Today cocoa is 10 days old, his eyes were open when I went out to feed and check on him. I am really surprised at how fast he is growing. He tried to use patrick's arms for a sliding board today. He is just so adorable. I had to take more pictures of him today - just because his eyes were open. But, please don't be annoyed with me because I am placing so many updates here, but he is the first bunny we have ever had as a baby. I know that I am being prejudiced in saying he is so cute. As I am sure that all baby bunnies are just so cute.

7/2/2007- Cocoa (renamed Brownie) is now a little over 2 weeks old and growing like a bad weed. I bring him into the house just about every day, and let him roam around the house for about a hour or so each day. today, he learned to climb, he climbed up over my side today, then turned around on my hip and climbed back down over my belly. We went to Tractor Supply Company and I bought him a new toy to play with when he comes in the house. I only paid a quater for it, so he can have it to play with in the house. Patrick also bought two bags wood shaving bed filling for both of the rabbits and the chickens.

8/01/2007 - Good news and Bad news today. We had one of our dutchies die today from the heat. We also got another rabbit yesterday, she was the lonesome survivor of her whole litter. I have her now and I am bottle feeding her every two hours. She pee'd on me today for the first time, and I was so happy for it. She eats about 1/10th of an ounce at a time. So we were up to 21 bunnies - and now we are back to 20. Hopefully with this heat wave we won't lose anymore. As to how we ended up with just the one baby kit - her mom, dad, and siblings died from a house fire. I don't know all the exact details, but I am thinking that their cages were near the house and they died from heat. The baby (Chance) just opened her eyes for the first time today. I was so happy about that. But she is going to be so spoiled. She has been to Walmart, Lowes, McDonalds, etc. Friday, she is going to Glass Menders to watch them put a new windshield in the Blazer. Then she is going out to lunch with us, the she is going to the Chiopractor with us, then she is going visiting with us to a friends house. (Shes lucky she does all her traveling is a medium sized carrier, laying on one of Patrick's newer tshirts - that don't fit him.)

11/19/2007 - will add more items here. need to get diary book to get correct dates of births and deaths, check back here often.

check back here more often for updates.