Heavenly Angel Babies

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Rabbit Price's
Rainbow Bridge

"When cuddles from your bunny are loving and true, always remember it was the bunny who chose you."


Here is the sign I am making to hang outside for the rabbits for sale. I am also going to make a smaller sign to hang below this that states that "babies are ready now". Please come and look around in my site and enjoy.

Here you will learn about my family and the baby bunnies that I will eventually place up for adoption.

 I am so happy to have the babies here at Heavenly Angel Babies. Please check back often for updates.

What's New?

We now have several babies. Sandy is a momma for the first time. She had 5 little ones and three of the tinest babies died. (But, Sandy is a little baby herself, she is 6 months old, and she is a mini satin. Sandy is lucky to probably weigh about a pound herself.) Then, Princess Di had babies, and she has 5 little ones. I was just downstairs to check on them and they seem to be doing just fine. She has a mess of hair over the top of them.But, they all are so beautiful to look at and so funny at times. We have two more that are due within this month. We have Pepper that is due just about any day now. And we also have choclate whom is due just about any day now. Eventulally I will post pictures up online and let everyone see what the babies look like, and I also be putting them up for sale, so please don't hesitate to forward the website to everyone you know.


This is a picture of the newest rabbit that we just purchased not long ago. His name is Hoss, and he is every bit as big of a boy that he looks like. He probably weights a good 25+ pounds. He can jump over a two foot high fence. But, he is very loveable also.